Boyer's Court
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
High Fives...From A Distance
In 2011 the Dallas Mavericks, lead by series MVP Dirk Nowitzki, won the NBA Championship over the Miami Heat in 6 games. The Heat came into the series as a heavy favorite. But according to Scott Cacciola in an article for The Wall Street Journal maybe the key to the Mavericks' series upset was that they couldn't keep their hands off each other. During that series The Wall Street Journal charted the number of times players could be seen touching each other, whether it was a high five, a chest bump, a hug or maybe even a pat on the butt. During the first three games the Mavericks touched a teammate nearly twice as often as the Heat. They slapped, hugged, bumped 250 times compared to the Heat's 134 interactions and then went on to win the championship.
I'm pretty sure anyone that has ever coached will tell you how important team chemistry is to success. But often times it's hard to define what exactly it means and it can come in different ways. This article about the Mavericks series win over the Heat is one that I often referred back to because body language and how a team interacts with one another on the court is a visible sign of team chemistry. We had team rules (expectations) in place to help with this. For example if a teammate dove on the floor or took a charge you had to sprint to help them up once the ball was dead. When subbing in for a teammate you had to touch the person you were subbing for (many teams exchange a towel or maybe a warm-up shirt). During free-throws our teams were expected to huddle quickly. It was obvious that these type of rules were difficult for teams with poor chemistry but for the teams that had great on-court chemistry they took care of these things themselves without having to be enforced by the coaches. High fives, helping each other off the floor, hugs, pats on the back and huddling closely all came naturally to the teams I coached with great chemistry. There was a true togetherness through wins and losses with those teams.
I've said for years that many life lessons can come from sports and team chemistry is no different. Relationships, families, businesses are all closer and more effective if there is great "chemistry". And part of that chemistry is touching whether that is a pat on the back, a hand shake, maybe a fist pump or even a hug. Showing people that they are appreciated and accepted so they feel a closeness within the group. Even prayer whether it is with family or a small group seems to take on anther level of togetherness when the group is asked to join hands.
So what now? Social distancing is now a necessity and honestly probably here to stay for a while. And it's possible that even once this clears up the idea of "touching" will be frowned up for quite some time. While sports will quickly go back to touching as a way of demonstrating togetherness what about everyone outside of sports? We are all going to have to work extremely hard at demonstrating that we care for one another and making others feel accepted and appreciated even if we can't show it by touching. There are many gestures we can all make without touching. Waving at a total stranger from across the street, greeting those we see with a "good morning" or "have a great day" or maybe just smiling at someone for no reason. Back to using sports as an example how often do you see a player hit a shot in basketball and turn and point to the teammate that passed them the ball (assisted...demonstrating a thank you and acknowledging a great pass without touching). So maybe from a distance we can point and say thank you to an essential worker or point and say you're doing a great job and we appreciate you. Health is obviously a major concern right now. But a less talked about major concern is mental health. It's safe to say we are all working hard at distancing ourselves for the health of ourselves and others. But we need to all be working just as hard to find ways to help ourselves and others with mental health. We have to find ways to make others feel loved, accepted and appreciated. Now, more than ever, we have to work really hard at demonstrating "team chemistry" to friends, family coworkers and even strangers. And for the time being we have to be creative in finding ways to give "high fives...from a distance".
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Lessons From The Farm
So, since our team is currently in offseason and soon to be starting preseason conditioning and workouts, here are a few lessons I learned growing up on a farm and how they can apply to athletics (especially the offseason workouts):
1. Clocks not necessary: It's safe to say that my Dad could go through each day without looking at a clock. My Mom or Dad (like ALL farmers) never needed an alarm Dad to this day still
doesn't need an alarm clock...he wakes up when the sun comes up (or in most cases earlier than that). My Mom or Dad never looked at a clock to know when to stop working...they worked until the days tasks were done (and sometimes this was after the sun went down). I hope our athletes can take the same approach to preseason. Yes, I realize the NCAA puts hour limitations on what we can do as coaches (in the weight room, on the court, etc.) but there are no limitations on what athletes can do on their own time. Have a goal of what needs to be accomplished to be the best and don't simply "punch the clock".
2. School clothes, Church clothes, Work clothes: The four of us kids were always well provided for...we didn't always get the "wants" when it came to clothes but certainly our "needs" were always provided. And even though we often times wore the pass me downs (Brad's clothes passed down to me and from me on to Kevin...pretty sure Beth wasn't included in this) our clothes were always clean and always ironed nicely. But, growing up on the farm, you did learn that sometimes the school
clothes became chore clothes and sometimes maybe the work clothes needed to be worn to Church if in a hurry (and that was ok). Our athletes today are being trained to be very materialistic. We, here at Arkansas State, are fortunate to have a great all-school contract with Adidas and we pride
ourselves on making sure our athletes have the best in shoes and gear. As I always say in recruiting, "if I expect my athletes to perform like Big Time Division I Athletes then it's my job to see that they look the part." But all that nice, sharp Adidas gear is meant to get's meant to get sweaty...while it may look great wearing to class or around town, it also is meant to "go to work in and do your chores."3. Toughness: Simply have to be tough to work on a farm. Whether it's 100 degrees out or below freezing the job has to get done. I've witnessed my Dad have to go chop ice in one of the ponds (twice a day) in sub-zero temperatures because the cows needed water to drink. I've seen Mom take a jug of ice water to my Dad while he was on a tractor in the middle of the field during 100+ degree temperatures. Farmers do not work when it's comfortable. I still to this day wonder how my sister Beth survived being raised on a farm especially in a family with three boys. If there's a tougher person in the world than by sister I'd like to meet them...bumble bee stings to the eyes, bicycle wrecks, aluminum doors to grain bins flying open with a gust of wind, barbed wire fences (and electric fences). Farmers are tough...wives of farmers are tough...sons and daughters of farmers are tough. For an athlete to get anything out of preseason workouts they have to be tough. There is no substitute for pushing out of your comfort level and being tough. To be a successful team or athlete you have to be tough.
4. Farmers understand PATIENCE: While you have to practice patience in a lot of professions,
none more than in farming. Farmers put in long, hard days to make sure their crops are in, but they won't recognize the results of all that hard work for months and months. Planting may occur in May...harvest will probably take place in September...but they may not sell the crops for a few more months. Imagine in your current job if you worked day in and day out but might not get paid for eight or nine months...welcome to farming. Imagine in your current job if you work really, really hard all week but may not see the results of that work for another four to five months...welcome to farming. Athletes need to take the same approach. While we all like instant results and instant rewards, an athlete (and team) will not get rewarded right away. All the hard work in the weight room, on the court or on the track in August will not be rewarded until months down the road. Last February when our team celebrated by cutting the nets down for winning a Conference Championship...that was the reward for the work from last July and last August and last September. Athletes can't expect immediate rewards they have to be very dedicated but yet patient.
5. Farmers are the most ACCOUNTABLE people: People that are self-employed, and in this case farmers, understand the idea of being accountable. My Dad still to this day rarely takes a day off. My Dad still to this day doesn't have a boss or anyone telling him to go to work. Nobody follows up on a farmer to see if they're doing their job...nobody checks on a farmer to see if things are done properly...nobody checks on a farmer to see if they're putting in enough hours. My Dad has always been accountable for his own success. The ol' saying "you don't work, you don't eat" are words that farmers live by. As a farmer if you don't work hard you won't raise a crop, or your cows will not
bring in any money at market...if you don't raise a crop or your cows don't sell well at the market you won't make a living...simple as that. Athletes have to have the same mindset during offseason (and preseason). Athletes have to be accountable for their own work...coaches can draw up workout plans but the athletes have to put in the work. As I often remind our team, once preseason gets here the NCAA allows us eight hours of work (with the coaches) per week and every team in the country will be putting in the same eight hours. But who's gonna go beyond the eight hours on their own time and who is gonna do the work when nobody is standing over them making sure they put in the hours.
6. Farmers know how to deal with disappointments: While I absolutely love my job, I'm guilty (as most coaches probably are) of getting frustrated at times and saying "it's tough making a living
7. You reap what you sow: While there are certainly a lot of things that are out of control for a farmer the bottom line over time is that "you will reap what you sow." No different for an athlete...all athletes want to win championships...all athletes want playing time and they want to be starters. But
while there are some differences in God-given abilities, more times than not you will "reap what you sow." You will be rewarded (or not rewarded) by how much time and effort you put into your offseason workouts.
8. Farmers never compete against their neighbor: One of the things I've always admired about farmers is how unselfish they are and how in times of need they always pitch in to help one another. Farmers get the true meaning of "community." I've never once heard my Mom or Dad wish bad on a neighbor. Farmers get the idea that they're all in this together...if I have a good crop most likely you'll have a good crop. I've seen first hand neighboring farmers pulling together to
help someone harvest their crops. I've witnessed farmers pulling together when haying season was getting late (one mowing, another raking and another bailing) and then all returning the favor for the next neighbor. I've seen cows get out into a neighbors field and instead of getting angry they pitch in to help return the cow to the pasture. Let's face it, in most professions this wouldn't happen. In most professions if someone was struggling the others would be smiling, deep down, thinking it might help their business. While, in athletics, we're in the business of "competing", offseason and preseason is the time to lift each other up and make each other better. Just like the farmer, a teammate has to recognize that if you have a good season, I'll have a good season...if you win a Championship, I'll win a Championship. Preseason is about being unselfish and being an encourager and pitching in to help that neighbor (teammate) be successful.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Be Smarter Than The Elephants
CNN Breaking News announced that the elephants in Ringling Bros. Circus will be performing for the last time today. Their performance in Providence, RI will be their final show before retiring to a conservation center in Florida. While this might not seem like big news to most, it certainly caught my attention.
For years, the Ringling Bros. Circus has made the Convocation Center one of its' stops and I guess the kid in me comes out, even to this day, when it comes to town. It was nearly 17 years ago (shortly after I had been hired as Head Coach here at Arkansas State) that the Circus came to our arena and it was an elephant that made the biggest impression on me. Not because of the show, or his talent, or the tricks he'd was for another reason. The elephant made a HUGE impression on me because he was not very smart.
The Circus was to be performing in the Convocation Center Thurs - Sun, but it was on the Tuesday before that I walked into the arena and noticed this giant elephant standing all alone. I was fascinated by this. Not only was I amazed by this giant creature standing in our arena I was shocked that he was standing there with a single rope around his leg. This 3,000 - 4,0000 pound animal with this small rope around his leg standing unattended. Well, of course, I couldn't let this go...I needed answers. So I tracked down the training and started asking questions. The trainer explained that they bring the animals into the arena a couple of days before the show so that they can get acclimated to their surroundings. This, of course, made sense but the most important question was why such a small rope around the leg of such a huge animal. The trainer replied, that, honestly, elephants just aren't very smart. He went on to explain that when the elephants are babies they train them with the exact same type of rope around their leg. While they are young the rope is indeed strong enough and the babies can't break it or pull free from it. As the elephants grow older and become much stronger they could easily break the rope but in their minds they can't. They refuse to even try because of the sensation around their leg. They just assume they can't break it.
I thought about this for a while and it hit me that so often as humans we do the same things. We give in to these perceived limitations that are placed on us...the "rope around our ankle" so to say. We, far too often, just give in when we assume we can't do something (we're not smart enough or we're not talented enough) just like the elephants. One of the things I love about coaching is that I have the opportunity to try and break some of those perceived limitations with our athletes. Daily we strive to take our athletes from average to above average, from good to great, from great to being the best. Nearly once a semester one of our student-athletes will come to me wanting to drop a class because they "think" there's no chance to pass it (early in the semester) but yet they stick with it and get through it. Every preseason, when really challenged, there are athletes that think "I can't" but yet they are able to get through it. An injury might occur, and that athlete may think there's no way they'll come back from it but they do. My job as a "coach" is to try and push and encourage our student-athletes to do more than they think, to be better than they believe and to not easily give in.
So while the elephants will be retiring from the Ringling Bros. Circus after today's performance the impression that I received from that one elephant standing in the Convocation Center 17 years ago will not go away. I refuse to let the athletes in my program give in to perceived limitations. Because after all we're smarter than the elephants we don't have to just settle and give in to that "rope around our ankle".
For years, the Ringling Bros. Circus has made the Convocation Center one of its' stops and I guess the kid in me comes out, even to this day, when it comes to town. It was nearly 17 years ago (shortly after I had been hired as Head Coach here at Arkansas State) that the Circus came to our arena and it was an elephant that made the biggest impression on me. Not because of the show, or his talent, or the tricks he'd was for another reason. The elephant made a HUGE impression on me because he was not very smart.
The Circus was to be performing in the Convocation Center Thurs - Sun, but it was on the Tuesday before that I walked into the arena and noticed this giant elephant standing all alone. I was fascinated by this. Not only was I amazed by this giant creature standing in our arena I was shocked that he was standing there with a single rope around his leg. This 3,000 - 4,0000 pound animal with this small rope around his leg standing unattended. Well, of course, I couldn't let this go...I needed answers. So I tracked down the training and started asking questions. The trainer explained that they bring the animals into the arena a couple of days before the show so that they can get acclimated to their surroundings. This, of course, made sense but the most important question was why such a small rope around the leg of such a huge animal. The trainer replied, that, honestly, elephants just aren't very smart. He went on to explain that when the elephants are babies they train them with the exact same type of rope around their leg. While they are young the rope is indeed strong enough and the babies can't break it or pull free from it. As the elephants grow older and become much stronger they could easily break the rope but in their minds they can't. They refuse to even try because of the sensation around their leg. They just assume they can't break it.
I thought about this for a while and it hit me that so often as humans we do the same things. We give in to these perceived limitations that are placed on us...the "rope around our ankle" so to say. We, far too often, just give in when we assume we can't do something (we're not smart enough or we're not talented enough) just like the elephants. One of the things I love about coaching is that I have the opportunity to try and break some of those perceived limitations with our athletes. Daily we strive to take our athletes from average to above average, from good to great, from great to being the best. Nearly once a semester one of our student-athletes will come to me wanting to drop a class because they "think" there's no chance to pass it (early in the semester) but yet they stick with it and get through it. Every preseason, when really challenged, there are athletes that think "I can't" but yet they are able to get through it. An injury might occur, and that athlete may think there's no way they'll come back from it but they do. My job as a "coach" is to try and push and encourage our student-athletes to do more than they think, to be better than they believe and to not easily give in.
So while the elephants will be retiring from the Ringling Bros. Circus after today's performance the impression that I received from that one elephant standing in the Convocation Center 17 years ago will not go away. I refuse to let the athletes in my program give in to perceived limitations. Because after all we're smarter than the elephants we don't have to just settle and give in to that "rope around our ankle".
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I'm sure you have heard the story of the businessman who was traveling late at night when his car ran off the road into a ditch. Needing immediate assistance, the businessman walked up the road to an old farmhouse. The farmer came to the door and the businessman explained his situation. The farmer told him he had a mule, named Bessie, out in the barn that was old and blind but he would see if she could help. So the farmer led Bessie down the road and tied her to the front of the car. The businessman watched in anticipation as the farmer cracked his whip and yelled "pull Molly"...and nothing happened. After a few seconds, the farmer cracked his whip again and yelled "pull Gus" and once again, nothing. The businessman looked puzzled while the farmer once again cracked his whip and yelled "pull Bessie". All of a sudden Bessie started walking steadily and pulled the businessman's car out of the ditch. The businessman who was very grateful but still a little confused ask the farmer "why the different names, why didn't you just yell Bessie the first time". The farmer replied "remember me telling you Bessie was old and blind, if she would have known she was by herself there's no way she would have been able to pull your car out of the ditch".
Here are a few examples of how our team pulled together:
An entire new staff was put in place this Spring / fact, two of our new assistant coaches arrived in Jonesboro on July 1st. We quickly had to get everyone on the same page for recruiting since this is a big year for us (having 5 seniors). On Saturday, July 4th (while most people were at the lake, watching fireworks, spending time with family, etc.) our entire staff met for 5 hours to talk about recruiting, team expectations, players expectations along with coaching duties and responsibilities. Sunday, July 5th our team arrived back on campus for the second summer term. After meeting with the team that night, myself and three assistant coaches hit the road
recruiting. Over the remainder of the month our staff attended 18 different recruiting events and I am extremely grateful to Autumn Rademacher, Deidra Johnson and Steve Huber for logging a lot of hours and a lot of miles. I also appreciate how easy and enjoyable they made the month of recruiting for me. As the head coach it is important for me to be at as many of our top recruits' games as possible and this takes a lot of organization on the assistants part. When I would arrive at an event one of the assistants had already spent hours mapping out the games and making sure I was at the right location each hour (and while that doesn't sound like a tough task keep in mind that one event had 56 different games going each hour and at different locations). The recruiting piece of July, in some years, has been very stressful to me but thanks to the organization of this group it was a productive and low stress month for me. The fact that they had to organize and pull this month together in a very short amount of time was very impressive. I also have to recognize the efforts of Karan Gilliland, our administrative assistant, who had to quickly get a new staff organized and on the road. She worked several consecutive late nights along with working on July 3rd (which was a University holiday) to help with travel plans and all the required paperwork so that the four of us could go out.
The other members of our "team" that did a great job this past month are Logan Mittie (our new Director of Basketball Operations), Rebekah Sittig (new strength and conditioning coach), Julie Ellena (Trainer) and Crimsynn Dover (academic advisor). Logan, arrived July 1st and was quickly thrown into the job. While the four of us hit the road recruiting she was given the task of overseeing our program while we were gone (looking out for the players and taking care of their needs, handling requests from myself and the other assistants while we were out of the office recruiting and at the same time trying too adjust to a new environment herself). Rebekah Sittig was hired as our new strength and conditioning coach, on July 1st as well, and quickly had to get to know my philosophy and expectations along with each of the 14 individuals on our team. We are fortunate to have
Rebekah on staff, she is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about her job and this team. Julie Ellen, continues to do a great job of keeping our athletes on the floor. We did not have any major injuries this month but we had several nagging injuries that had to be addressed all month long. A lot of extra hours were spent by Julie treating these injuries and making sure our athletes were able to push through and develop throughout the month. And lastly, Crimsynn Dover oversees the academic progress for our team and the results speak for themselves. While our team is very disciplined and takes a lot of pride in their academics it is great to have Crimsynn there to guide them and provide assistance whenever needed.
So as you can see it took a total team effort to make our program better during July. I am very appreciative of the entire staff, and extended staff, that I have in place and certainly for this group of athletes that are gifted in so many ways. When I look back and evaluate the month of July I'm proud of what we accomplished...our team became better athletes (stronger and faster), we got better on the court, they had a great month in the classroom and our recruiting is going very well with the quality of recruits we are in on (or have committed). I would be proud of what this group accomplished any year but even more so this year because of all the changes and new faces within our program. Part of my philosophy in coaching is to "bring together a wide range of individuals toward a common goal"...July was a great example of this. Teamwork allowed our program to get better!!!
Monday, June 29, 2015
The Little Things Add Up
Ok so here's the whole story. While, it may not appear so, I am an avid runner. I enjoy running, or even walking, and try to log several miles every
week. I used to be amazed at how often while running I would see a penny on the ground or a nickel and maybe even the occasional quarter. So 16 years ago (the same year that I became head coach here at Arkansas State) I decided I was going to pick up every coin I saw on the ground and keep it in a container and see just how much change I could find laying around in one year. From July 1st, 1999 to June 30th 2000 I "stumbled" upon a total of $55.17. So, that process has stuck with me.
Growing up I was surrounded by people that understood the concept of hard work and that nothing in life is just given to you. My parents are two of the hardest working people I know and they taught us kids the idea of hard work and earning everything we had. While I know I frustrated them at times with my griping and complaining the message stuck with me. Growing up in Church the message of being responsible and appreciating the little things was preached in Luke 16:10 "He that is faithful in very little is faithful also in much; and he that is unrighteous in a very little is also unrighteous also in much." My high school basketball coaches, Tom Shalley and Dave Shalley enforced the idea of hard work and doing the little things. When I started volunteering at Missouri Western under the men's basketball coach Tom Smith nearly daily I would hear him tell the players "nothing good in life worth having comes without hard work." This list could go on and on because I have always been around hard working people that appreciated the little things in life.
This weekend our entire team will be arriving on campus to start their team summer workouts. Come January, February and most importantly March our team will be hoping to accomplish big things. Coming off two seasons in which we've combined to win 46 games I have no question that this year's group will be looking forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead this season. But none of that matters if we don't take care of the "little" things now. And just like that loose change that I find laying around all the time, some people don't value it. There will be some coaches and players that won't value the little things that need to be done this summer in order to be successful during the season. Everyone wants to do big things during the season but those that want to do big things in the off-season are the ones that will be successful in the end. It is my job as a head coach to once again instill the idea of taking pride in the little things again this year. Nothing will be handed to this team next season, we're going to have value the little things that it takes to be successful...and that starts this weekend.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Loose Change
On Friday, November 1st I could hardly control my excitement when I arrived home to find the envelope I had been waiting for in my mailbox. It was finally here . . . this year's Christmas Club check. And it wasn't so much that the check had arrived, it was more about the anticipation of seeing how much interest I had accumulated throughout the year. Drum roll please . . . $1.53. Yes, I had accumulated a grand total of $1.53.
Now I know you're thinking really, $1.53 and you're excited about that. Well it's not about the $1.53 it's more about how the amount came about.
I have always had a habit of picking up "loose change". Anytime I see a penny (or any other coin) on the ground I will always pick it up. There's a good chance I will have neck problems some day because whenever I am outdoors running or walking I am always looking down and scanning the ground. So on July 1, 1999 I decided to collect all the money that I picked up and keep it separate. I was curious to see how much money I could find just laying around on the ground in a year's time. From July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000 I picked up $55.17 worth of change that had been discarded by other people. Change that was not valuable to other people became important to me. Since that time I have played this little game every year. By 2011 I had finally collected enough found money to open up a savings account (Christmas Club). I have keep my yearly findings separate and then on the 1st of July I deposit it in my ongoing savings account. The grand total of money that I have found just laying around is now up to $341. 80 (over a 14 year period) including the interest of $1.53 that I received this year. Think about it for a second, sure it's only $1.53, but I am drawing interest on "loose change" that I have found laying around. This total consists of $29.96 that was found last year, it includes $30.41 that was picked up during 2007-2008, it includes an even $29 that was found during 2006-2007 and it also includes the lowest total ever found which was only $7.25 during the 2001-2002 "fiscal" year (and yes the term fiscal is said with a chuckle).
While finding "loose change" has become a game with me there is also a hidden message too. The idea that I have found value in the little things that aren't important to others. A penny here or a penny there to some people is meaningless. But how many people wouldn't want to be handed $341.80.
Tomorrow night we tip-off another basketball season here at Arkansas State. I have used this analogy with teams in the past but the equivalent of "loose change" in basketball is diving for a loose ball, taking a charge, boxing out even if it allows a teammate to collect a rebound, deflecting a pass, sacrificing your body to save a ball inbounds . . . in other words those hustle plays that other players don't find value in. These are the plays that don't require talent they just require desire . . . and they also required the belief that there is value in these plays that won't show up on a stat sheet. Players that find value in these plays are special and teams that find value in these plays will be successful. Hopefully the 2013-2024 Red Wolves will be a team that finds value in picking up "loose change".
Now I know you're thinking really, $1.53 and you're excited about that. Well it's not about the $1.53 it's more about how the amount came about.
I have always had a habit of picking up "loose change". Anytime I see a penny (or any other coin) on the ground I will always pick it up. There's a good chance I will have neck problems some day because whenever I am outdoors running or walking I am always looking down and scanning the ground. So on July 1, 1999 I decided to collect all the money that I picked up and keep it separate. I was curious to see how much money I could find just laying around on the ground in a year's time. From July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000 I picked up $55.17 worth of change that had been discarded by other people. Change that was not valuable to other people became important to me. Since that time I have played this little game every year. By 2011 I had finally collected enough found money to open up a savings account (Christmas Club). I have keep my yearly findings separate and then on the 1st of July I deposit it in my ongoing savings account. The grand total of money that I have found just laying around is now up to $341. 80 (over a 14 year period) including the interest of $1.53 that I received this year. Think about it for a second, sure it's only $1.53, but I am drawing interest on "loose change" that I have found laying around. This total consists of $29.96 that was found last year, it includes $30.41 that was picked up during 2007-2008, it includes an even $29 that was found during 2006-2007 and it also includes the lowest total ever found which was only $7.25 during the 2001-2002 "fiscal" year (and yes the term fiscal is said with a chuckle).
While finding "loose change" has become a game with me there is also a hidden message too. The idea that I have found value in the little things that aren't important to others. A penny here or a penny there to some people is meaningless. But how many people wouldn't want to be handed $341.80.
Tomorrow night we tip-off another basketball season here at Arkansas State. I have used this analogy with teams in the past but the equivalent of "loose change" in basketball is diving for a loose ball, taking a charge, boxing out even if it allows a teammate to collect a rebound, deflecting a pass, sacrificing your body to save a ball inbounds . . . in other words those hustle plays that other players don't find value in. These are the plays that don't require talent they just require desire . . . and they also required the belief that there is value in these plays that won't show up on a stat sheet. Players that find value in these plays are special and teams that find value in these plays will be successful. Hopefully the 2013-2024 Red Wolves will be a team that finds value in picking up "loose change".
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
The Traveling Carnival
Just recently the fair was in Jonesboro . . . the Northeast Arkansas District Fair. While I didn't get to attend this year I know it was a big time for a lot of people, as it is every year. I've always found it interesting that fairs have seemed to stand the test of time. Fairs or traveling carnivals' roots actually go back to the 19th century similar to the circus. It is said that the 1893 Chicago World's Fair was the catalyst for the traveling carnivals. Even in 2013, County and State Fairs are more popular than ever.
Here is what is so cool, to me, about a carnival. Just the other day while I was driving to a recruiting visit a traveling carnival passed me while going the other direction. A convoy moving to their next destination. And as they passed I couldn't help but to try and guess what the folded up ride might become once it was put back together. I also couldn't help but to think that there was no way in the world that I would get on one of those things . . . it is not possible for something to be folded up and traveling down the highway one day and then a carnival ride the next. Be honest, you know you've thought the same thing too right? So how can this convoy of 40 - 50 campers, trucks and folded up rides turn into this magical entertainment venue, overnight, for thousands of people one location after another.
Fifteen years ago when I became a Head Coach for the first time I needed to establish a core coaching philosophy. What is my purpose as a basketball coach. The first idea that came to mind and one that has stuck with me is the idea of "Bringing Together A Wide Range Of Individuals To Work Towards A Common Goal". I love this idea and it is the one core piece of my philosophy that motivates me each and every day. Bringing together 15 individuals from all different walks of life and working daily to get them all on the same page is such a thrill. When you look at our team, we have athletes from five different states, some from small towns and others from big cities. We have players of different race, different religions, different socio-economic backgrounds, different personalities and different long-term dreams. And while it is a thrill it is also very, very difficult. This, in the end, will be the deciding factor in which teams win Championships and which teams' seasons end in disappointment. There are talented teams all across the country, every year, that don't reach their full potential because they were unable to pull together for the common goal.
So as our team starts practice tomorrow, we can take a lesson form the traveling carnival. Week after week they travel from town to town and are somehow able to pull all these individual pieces together to accomplish the goal of providing entertainment and lasting memories for so many people. I am convinced that we have a very talented group of individuals and I am also convinced that we have a team full of very good people. The question will be can we all put aside our individual desires and goals so that we can focus only on the collective goals. Can we pull together all of our individual pieces to accomplish something special as a team.
Here is what is so cool, to me, about a carnival. Just the other day while I was driving to a recruiting visit a traveling carnival passed me while going the other direction. A convoy moving to their next destination. And as they passed I couldn't help but to try and guess what the folded up ride might become once it was put back together. I also couldn't help but to think that there was no way in the world that I would get on one of those things . . . it is not possible for something to be folded up and traveling down the highway one day and then a carnival ride the next. Be honest, you know you've thought the same thing too right? So how can this convoy of 40 - 50 campers, trucks and folded up rides turn into this magical entertainment venue, overnight, for thousands of people one location after another.
Fifteen years ago when I became a Head Coach for the first time I needed to establish a core coaching philosophy. What is my purpose as a basketball coach. The first idea that came to mind and one that has stuck with me is the idea of "Bringing Together A Wide Range Of Individuals To Work Towards A Common Goal". I love this idea and it is the one core piece of my philosophy that motivates me each and every day. Bringing together 15 individuals from all different walks of life and working daily to get them all on the same page is such a thrill. When you look at our team, we have athletes from five different states, some from small towns and others from big cities. We have players of different race, different religions, different socio-economic backgrounds, different personalities and different long-term dreams. And while it is a thrill it is also very, very difficult. This, in the end, will be the deciding factor in which teams win Championships and which teams' seasons end in disappointment. There are talented teams all across the country, every year, that don't reach their full potential because they were unable to pull together for the common goal.
So as our team starts practice tomorrow, we can take a lesson form the traveling carnival. Week after week they travel from town to town and are somehow able to pull all these individual pieces together to accomplish the goal of providing entertainment and lasting memories for so many people. I am convinced that we have a very talented group of individuals and I am also convinced that we have a team full of very good people. The question will be can we all put aside our individual desires and goals so that we can focus only on the collective goals. Can we pull together all of our individual pieces to accomplish something special as a team.
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